Creating independence and success by opening career pathways through targeted training to take advantage of opportunity.

Axxis IQ is also an experienced skills & business advocate for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander businesses and employment. Axxis constantly endeavours to source job outcomes, for both ATSI and non-ATSI workers, to help satisfy the increasing shortage of skilled workers required for Queensland resources, infrastructure & construction programs.
With the advent of government prescribed percentages for ATSI worksite placements, in cooperation with community, we source potential workers, upskilling them to meet employer requirements for job positions. This then allows communities to exercise their rights and fill employment positions specified in Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs), where they have never been able to before due to lack of capacity.

Axxis IQ has invested significant time in this process and has developed close relationships within a number of indigenous communities, learning to understand various cultures and their love of country. We feel our results are a reflection of this involvement and to date we believe they have been outstanding. Traditionally, a cultural divide often occurs when indigenous workers are placed in western style employment situations; some workers have been unable to fulfil their service to their employers, often without any communication in the workplace. Lack of cultural understanding and lack of adequate communication from all parties has led to misconceptions about indigenous workers. Encouragingly, our experience has found an overwhelming majority of indigenous Australians have a strong desire for employment and success and are ready to show they are willing and able to fill responsible positions at all levels, constantly striving to meet employer standards.

Pre - Employment Training

Axxis IQ:

provides pre-employment programs where possible, designed to develop employability skills and increase knowledge such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, planning and occupational health and safety. Where identified and appropriate, we also offer language, literacy & numeracy training to those requesting in need.

meets with industry, employers and other organisations to determine employment demand and course content. Training is usually delivered within on near a community, to ensure participants are well prepared for effective and productive transition into the workplace, as well as providing visible community benefit.

coordinates mentoring to assist and guide students where necessary, via either industry or indigenous associations. Mentors encourage and monitor the progress of training and are available right through into employment. We understand that indigenous students who are remote to homelands, can sometimes experience challenging situations requiring good counsel and assistance where possible.

facilitates delivery of a large array of training programs including apprenticeships, to enable new or existing workers a quick transition into the workplace.

facilitates higher level training programs and qualifications, perfect for the upskilling needs of existing workers.

objectives are:

♦  that participating students steadily grow their careers, becoming more effective, productive and valuable in their workplace.
♦  to grow community value and pride one brick at a time, through individual economic outcomes that reflect the wider Australian economy, encouraging others to follow.
♦  to, by producing competent workers, grow dignity, self-respect and an expectation of success in all students through quality training and positive employment outcomes.

assists Indigenous Engagement – We concentrate on employability skills

uses Training  to maximise potential employment outcomes

refers employers to Employment Incentives – Government incentives may apply

alerts employers to possible Payroll Tax Advantages – Check with your Accountant


Indigenous Mentoring and Support

Munda-gutta Kulliwari
Michael Connolly (Munda­gutta Kulliwari)

Axxis IQ is extremely proud to be associated with Michael Connolly of Dreamtime Kullilla-Art, who supplies valuable counsel to us regarding indigenous matters, performs mentoring duties and provides support services for Axxis IQ indigenous students upon demand where appropriate. Michael has extensive experience working and negotiating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities and other organisations, in a culturally appropriate, respectful and responsive manner that is attentive to cultural protocols. He has a sound knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, including both traditional and contemporary perspectives, and is sensitive to issues that impact upon communities.

Michael is dedicated to  raising awareness of Aboriginal culture and its people out of his respect for the deep richness of diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories in Australia and was a former member of the Advisory Panel of the National Indigenous Men’s Forum which consulted with State and Federal Leaders about issues relating to Aboriginal Culture and Communities.

Michael is an Aboriginal from Charleville, south west Queensland. He is a descendant of the Kullilla Tribe from the Thargomindah and Eulo region on his Father’s side and from the Muruwari People from Goodooga and Brewarrina region of north­west New South Wales on his Mother’s side, who can trace their traditional trade and diplomatic links with Central Desert as well as South Australian and Northern New South Wales Aboriginal Communities.
With his rich Indigenous background and unique way of interpreting his cultural heritage, Michael brings a unique perspective to his significant work in cross cultural contexts. Michael is an enthusiastic and highly motivated professional Aboriginal artist and craftsman with excellent people skills and has worked extensively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, business associates and stakeholders, and the general public throughout Australia. Michael’s career has progressed from an individual Aboriginal artist and performer in Brisbane, Queensland, to focusing on personal and business development for Dreamtime Kullilla­-Art to being now recognised as a renowned Aboriginal artist and craftsman, performer, negotiator, advocate, mentor, consultant and facilitator.

Michael has been engaged as a Cultural Consultant, Trainer and Mentor with many Queensland and National organisations including the National U/19 Indigenous Youth Soccer Team, the Australian Indigenous Boxing Team, the Queensland Indigenous Youth Cricket Team, the Australian Indigenous Touch Football Team (Men and Women), Kurbingui Sporting Association, Murriajabree Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Association, Redcliffe Area Youth Space and Grace Lutheran College.  Many of these are ongoing and repeat engagements attesting to the skilful meeting of client expectations.

Michael uses the artist name of Munda­gutta Kulliwari which means you know me before you see me’.
More information on Dreamtime Kullilla-­Art
can be found at:

Call us today on 07 3142 0610 to speak with an Axxis Training Consultant


Axxis IQ acknowledges the traditional owners of the lands upon which we work and pays respect to elders past, present and emerging.

Axxis Project Training Pty. Ltd. 

Accredited Provider No. 41392   

Office Hours: (07) 3142 0610

After Hours: 0421 072 276

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