Axxis specialises in Civil, Mining/Drilling, High Risk & Essential Workplace Qualifications.
For those not currently working, we have a range of courses that could improve your chances of employment.

Welcome to Axxis IQ

Our goal is to take the stress out of your compliance and upskilling needs and obligations in the most cost and time effective manner possible. There are excellent funding options, employer wage incentives, payroll tax and workcover rebates available for eligible employers and trainees, making now a great time to get qualified.
The majority of qualification delivery is performed on the job to minimise your downtime.

Corporations: Short course competencies to full qualifications. Pre-employment training is under utilised as a tool which can dramatically reduce HR and employment costs and provide a pathway to other incentives. We also develop and implement online and blended inductions, according to client requirements.

SMEs: Axxis IQ delivers qualifications to get your workers on to virtually any worksite. This may also assist with your WHS obligations and creates tendering advantages. Pre-employment qualifications in the Mining, Quarrying, Drilling & Civil Construction industries, are also beneficial to many SMEs.

Individuals: Short courses through to full qualifications are available to help you establish a career. The pre-employment courses noted above, are run according to employer demand in the Resources & Infrastructure Industry sector, so please register your interest with us if you are looking for a career path in these industries.

Axxis IQ has a very substantial scope of industry relevant courses. If your desired qualification is not found on this website, please inquire, we are able to provide many more. If Axxis is unable to provide the training or service you require, we will certainly do our best to point you in the right direction. 

We are particularly proud of our RII Rig Ready, Mine Ready and Civil Ready Programs, the employment outcomes have been outstanding. Please enquire for more information. Axxis IQ also provides Indigenous Engagement and Student Support Services in conjunction with a local, highly respected and trusted indigenous gentleman. For more information, please visit our Indigenous Engagement page.


Call us today and speak with an Axxis IQ consultant on:   07 3142 0610


Axxis IQ acknowledges the traditional owners of the lands upon which we work and pays respect to elders past, present and emerging.

Accredited Provider No. 41392

Phone: (07) 3142 0610

After Hours: 0421 072 276

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